Hi, thanks for checking out Antillectual

We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.

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13 March 2007 ~ Comments Off on last words before recording

last words before recording

this weekend it's gonna happen! we'll be hitting the studio for the first time after 2,5 years to record three completely new songs. titles: "the dog ate it", "sponsorship for life" and "waves". now let your imagination run free. they won't be released officially but some might appear on the internet or on future samplers. they're primarily intended as demo's and for promotional purposes, in order to record and release our next full length later this year. we'll keep you posted on when the demo recordings are mixed, mastered and all.

on a less positive note: seein' red was supposed to play the benefit show march 30 in wageningen but had to cancel because of the drummer's pneumonia. they're not the only band suffering from that, i guess … hope to see you all at the angry youth records show in arnhem on march 23. we'll play together with fine bands like point at others, karaktermoord and terrordactyl. please, come and check out the new songs, shirts and samplers we have. that's it for now. bye bye! 

22 February 2007 ~ Comments Off on i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

first of all a big "thank you!" to all the nice people that came to see us in oostende. we got such amazing responses, it was a great show. wuft!

the second "thank you!" goes out to all the people that read our tour report and gave all those nice comments. i hope it made clear we really had a blast on this tour. you can still read it right here.

speaking of which, at youtube you can find some sort of video compilation of our show in l'autan, toulouse, check it here, but don't expect anything fancy. and don't watch it when you're on drugs.

there's an interview online with the people from our label, angry youth records, at punx.nl (in dutch, sorry!). read it and find out how they've become what they are. we recently did an interview with a swedish e-zine called skrutt. they have an enormous amount of interviews online, so you should check their site anyway, but here's the direct link to our interview. take a minute and sit down for it. it will be worth it.

some more foreign news: the belgian sampler from kick ass records has arrived and is for sale through our merchandise section. some other belgian news, how coincidental: the "bobby in a volvo"-online sampler is online as well! you can download one of our previously undownloadable songs and loads of cool european punkrock tunes at their website. expect the long awaited triebwerk sampler in next week.

and last: we have a new show to announce in eindhoven in may. for those who might show up! take care and hope to see you soon. 

08 February 2007 ~ Comments Off on stories, shirts ‘n’ shows

stories, shirts ‘n’ shows

so, just as we promised, we finished the tour report. you can find all the adventures we had in france and spain last january right here . there's even some beautiful pictures. but mainly it's us on them.

and another promise: we have new shirts, girlies, patches and buttons. all for sale through this website. check the merch section if you want to see them and perhaps would like to get your hands on one of those. we also updated the samplers we still have in stock, some new ones there too. send an email for orders.

thirdly, like any other proper band, we have some new shows to announce. yep, the shows section. some really cool ones, and surprisingly, no less cool ones this time.

statistically speaking: we crossed the 30.000 page visitors-line. more than 25% of the people coming from others than our own country. eat that, rita! 

17 January 2007 ~ Comments Off on we’ve survived

we’ve survived

we're back from another ten days on the road. and even our highest expectations have been surpassed by this experience. it was a tour we could only dream of, everything seemed well arranged: we had good shows, with a lot of people showing up, positive responses and a lot of merchandise being sold; all girlies, buttons and patches are gone, and the new designs are very well received. we also got the chance to practice some of our new songs in front of an audience and responses have been really positive so far. we can't wait to record them. there will be a tour report on this website as soon as it's finished. including pictures, and perhaps some videos. if you have any, please let us know.

here's the first review of our show in toulouse (in french). apparently they were the ones that stole our setlists. oh, and here's the pictures of that show (not in french). a big ol' "THANKS!!" goes out to etjen from "just like your mom toursupport", cedric from "snowstar records", joni from "annie mae bookings", matthieu from "go off the beaten track records" and all the associations such as "toloose punkers", "alentour bookings" and "d.i.y." in bordeaux that got us these great shows.

the new t-shirt design we brought on tour will soon be up for mailordering on this site as well. since we've sold out (huh huh) you can also expect new girlies, pins and patches!

on another note: since some of us will be graduating this year, we won't go abroad too much in the upcoming months. but, to practice the new songs some more, we'll try to get more shows in our own country. if you can and want to help us out, please do so. any place and any time! i think that's it for now. see ya! 

01 January 2007 ~ Comments Off on ’07


happy new year! let's see what this one's got coming for us. and let's see what we can do against it. we're leaving on tour in 4 days and in the show section you can find the latest news and information about the shows. please, if you have the chance, drop by and come say "hello!" or "bon jour!" or whatever they say in spain.

on this tour we'll bring a new shirt design, so you can be the first if you come and check us out. we'll also bring the books from typewriter distro and, for the first time, the c.d. distro from snowstar records. this tour would most definitely turn out to be terrible without the help from "just like your mom" toursupport and annie mae bookings.

oh, and now the most important news: we're on hyves. that's it for now, hope to see you on tour or perhaps afterwards! 


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