Hi, thanks for checking out Antillectual

We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.

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13 January 2025 ~ Comments Off on NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2025: Tour And Single

NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2025: Tour And Single

There’s all sorts of horrible things happening in the world at the start of twentytwentyfive. But if you like to see us live or love to hear new music from us, we’ve got some news to hopefully cheer you up a little!

Deutschland & Die Schweiz

Behold, this is a big one! If you apply the right standards this will be our biggest tour through Germany and Switzerland! We’re really looking forward to return to cities we’ve been playing for ages like Hamburg, Berlin and Hannover. But we’re equally excited to make our debut in cities like Bottrop, Oerlinghausen and finally play Switzerland again!

Info and tickets via our website.


With a new tour poster comes new merch! The beautiful design was created by Daggers Design and we couldn’t NOT make shirts of it! You can (pre-)order them via our web shop. Packages will be sent out before the tour starts on Feb 20.

Fresh Release

What better excuse to go on the road again than new music?! We’re eager to share our new single WHOSE STREETS? OUR STREETS! on February 18! A tiny toot from our own little horn: this new song is a skate punk anthem about our public space, how “public” it is these days, and who gets to use it. Where gentrification, hostile architecture and skate punk culture meet. Let’s crack a beer to that! (You’ll get that reference once you hear the song…)

That’s it for now, thanks for reading our newsletter! Don’t be shy, hit reply; we love hearing from you… In the next episode you can listen to our new single!

Take care, Ben, Riekus & Willem

Missed our previous newsletter? Find it here!

16 December 2024 ~ Comments Off on New fit!

New fit!

Willem needed a new guitar strap. So he got a matching shirt. Now he’s presentable again, great success!


19 November 2024 ~ Comments Off on NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2024: What A Year


Reaching the end of the year it’s time to reflect on what happened in 2024, announce our end of the year party and hint at next year’s plans!

Twenty twenty four

It’s been a crazy ride! Starting with getting presented as number 5 Export Product by the Dutch Performance Rights organization BUMA, followed by a media circus that we never thought we’d experience. After that blew over we had a busy live schedule touring through France, Spain and Portugal in March for 2 weeks, followed by a fabulous time at Manchester Punk Fest. In April we had the joy and honor of touring with Pussy Riot and playing Italy. In May we played NOFX’ final Dutch show and we probably did our nicest headline shows ever in Germany! Summer was relatively quiet but playing Pikpop in Groesbeek and a handful of Dutch shows was a nice way to stay in shape live. Meanwhile we were working on new music behind the scenes! To be continued…

Friends First Fest

Traditionally our final show will be Friends First Fest! Happening on December 14 at De Onderbroek in Nijmegen NL. Our friends in The Possible Suspect, Loud Love and Krime will join us! Proceeds going to Minor Operation Donations, pay as you like tickets can be found here! Don’t snooze because traditionally FFF sells out…


Winter is here, and it is actually getting cold! We have beautiful zipped hoodies available in all sizes, and 2 shirt designs for that extra layer to keep you warm. Bundles with our album for 30 euro, all via our web shop, orders always come with free stickers and more!


Looking ahead we can’t tell you too much yet, but in 2025 we plan to release 3 new singles, with the first one coming this spring. We also have a lot of touring and festivals planned! We’ve got big touring plans for March and April but for now we can give you a sneak peek with 3 awesome February dates (beautiful tour poster by Daggers Design!). Show info and tickets at our website.

Feb 20 DE Bottrop, Kurz Vorm Kino | Feb 21 DE Stuttgart, Juha West w/ Snackwolf | Feb 22 DE Würzburg, Immerhin w/ Snackwolf

That’s it for now, thanks for reading our newsletter! Don’t be shy, hit reply; we love hearing from you… In the next episode you will find out where we’re going in March and April and when to expect new music!

Take care, Ben, Riekus & Willem

Missed our previous newsletter? Find it here!

08 November 2024 ~ Comments Off on A post-social media post as posted on our social media

A post-social media post as posted on our social media

It’s a struggle for us, because we both benefit and suffer from it; it’s a blessing and a curse in one. We love the idea of connecting with people worldwide via social media, and that people from all over this globe can reach out. But as the power of big tech rises and algorithms take control, the reach of and control over our own output diminishes. Even before it became X, Twitter already deteriorated and it’s a complete shithole now. Facebook is a terrible platform with half of its functionality not even working properly?! Insta and TikTok are obsessed with virality, which makes it hard for regular updates to surface. Unless you flawlessly play the game by their rules…

The same goes for digital media platforms like Spotify and YouTube. Follow the rules or the algorithm will not pick you up! Even though digitization promised us all equal opportunities to connect with others, big/commercial companies or people who are able and willing to comply have a better shot at getting their message out.

This is not a rant to whine and complain about how hard our life as an independent band is. We realize our privileged position and the fact that these are mere first world problems. And of course we’re not leaving social media. If anything this is a call! A call to directly follow bands and organizations you wanna support! Via personal media like email newsletters, WhatsApp updates or simply by checking their websites. Those channels are more reliable to hear news first than any “For You” algorithm.

Find our email newsletter and WhatsApp updates via our website: antillectual.com/newsletter, we’ve got a lot of news coming soon! Just like our newsletters we’ll end this message with “don’t be shy, hit reply”, we love hearing from you <3

18 June 2024 ~ Comments Off on Final NOFX show after movie

Final NOFX show after movie

After movie for the final Dutch NOFX show in Eindhoven, May 19, 2024: We expected it to be a crazy show and it ended up being exactly that!

The weather threw us a curveball: we had to put on sunblock during soundcheck because the sun was burning a hole through my skin. Second memory is plugging in our guitars to start the set, looking up and seeing a curtain of rain pouring down over the people in front of the stage. What a way to start…

We had some true “strijders” in front of us risking their health and pulling everyone through the rain. When the sun finally came out a huge wave of people that had been sheltering from the rain and watching us from afar rushed to the stage, truly heartwarming <3

Video by TijsVL and Moonboy Films


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