Review Silencing Civilization
Antillectual Silencing Civilization 2005
Angry Youth
Review by: ThomPunkAheaddotcom
This band should be a popular one with Orgcore punkers though probably will be unknown due to their location being the Netherlands. Across Europe they're getting better known with the three of them touring regularly; however, they toured across the eastern USA last summer with across-the-pond friends Static Radio.
Now, if you know the Indecision Alarm, that will help, as these guys are very similar playing gruff-ish, speedy, melodic and aggressive punk rock. The Indecision Alarm aren't that well-known either, so for people still in the dark, this is a cross between Propagandhi, Hot Water Music and finally Rise Against.
Having three DIY EPs prior to this release the band have been able to really mature their sound; Antillectual have acquired their own individual sound and for a three-piece they can make themselves heard. The band fit perfectly into the current European punk rock revival with this Hot Water Music-Propagandhi style leading it this time; Antillectual arguably are in first place currently and still have a lot of energy in them.
One of the biggest problems with the album is comical, to put it best, with the intro of the first track immediately resembling Propagandhi 's "A Speculative Fiction." Rip-off? Not unless they have a time machine because Silencing Civilization was released 8 months before Potemkin City Limits.
It's a real shame that this style doesn't get the attention it deserves with it becoming the common European sound now and is invigorating combining such great melodies with quality punk rock. I promise you that listening to this you will enjoy it in some way, "Because We Can (Afford It)," featuring a first-class solo, to top things off sums the album up best. Passionate music like this where you can listen and feel great, yourself rising in parallel to the brilliance has to be responded to with positive passion.
Well shove your tradition up your ass and i hope you like it
yeah fuck your homophobia it is about time to accept it
Touching on homophobia, border policy, politics and other matters, the band has plenty to say and don't say it lightly. Real passion tied in with speed works wonders in emphasizing your point. The anger Antillectual derive throughout the album isn't missed with each song arguing a message and their beliefs superbly. Quality speed in "Bad Company (No Globalisation Without Representation)" echoes distant sounds of the previous primary Euro-punk sound — skatepunk (which is not dead, just on vacation), and a similar setting for "Originator" combining speed with melody creating the dark, agressive yet optimistic atmosphere.
It's like these guys have experienced everything in punk rock leading the current Euro main brand of punk rock but adding `90s skatepunk as well as a more older, simplistic style of hardcore punk. Antillectual have something every punk enthusiast will enjoy whilst limiting their style to not have too open boundaries.
Over time, however, I find myself slipping with the music slightly falling into itself. Some people will love this style for a long time but I, on the other hand, seem to grow tired of it after some time and lose interest in the final tracks. Combining this with the present outlook, this new wave could become stale real quick if multiplied so much with new bands, which seems to have been the common fault with the past waves of punk rock. The future shall answer that though; I know with Antillectual's new music I have been more interested.
Overall, ten tracks in 28 minutes seems to regularly be a good indication of whether you have a punk rock album in your hands and Antillectual sure don't disappoint as well as providing it. Super melodic combining and aggressive yet supportedly passionate, fair-paced punk rock — the ingredients for a great CD.