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11 July 2007 ~ Comments Off on u.s.a. tour update

u.s.a. tour update

dearly beloved, how are you? we're doing just fine, the shows are turning out really awesome and the people here are extremely nice to us foreigners. as i'm typing this we're in the van for 12 hours to get from Washington d.c. to athens, georgia, which appears to be quite a distance. to kill the time we're watching some dvd's, playing video games. and writing you this update. if you want to know more about how we're doing on our second u.s.a. tour, please go to reload magazine. they will post several reports we'll be writing and filming during this tour. after this tour a comprehensive tour report in words and pictures will appear on this was about it for the update, hope you all are having as much fun as we are! 

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22 February 2007 ~ Comments Off on i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

i’ve had second thoughts about belgium

first of all a big "thank you!" to all the nice people that came to see us in oostende. we got such amazing responses, it was a great show. wuft!

the second "thank you!" goes out to all the people that read our tour report and gave all those nice comments. i hope it made clear we really had a blast on this tour. you can still read it right here.

speaking of which, at youtube you can find some sort of video compilation of our show in l'autan, toulouse, check it here, but don't expect anything fancy. and don't watch it when you're on drugs.

there's an interview online with the people from our label, angry youth records, at (in dutch, sorry!). read it and find out how they've become what they are. we recently did an interview with a swedish e-zine called skrutt. they have an enormous amount of interviews online, so you should check their site anyway, but here's the direct link to our interview. take a minute and sit down for it. it will be worth it.

some more foreign news: the belgian sampler from kick ass records has arrived and is for sale through our merchandise section. some other belgian news, how coincidental: the "bobby in a volvo"-online sampler is online as well! you can download one of our previously undownloadable songs and loads of cool european punkrock tunes at their website. expect the long awaited triebwerk sampler in next week.

and last: we have a new show to announce in eindhoven in may. for those who might show up! take care and hope to see you soon. 

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15 November 2006 ~ Comments Off on in need of your help

in need of your help

hi, it's us again! the updates are getting more frequent, and that's a good thing i guess. we're always eager to highlight our political side/sight, therefore: there is a dutch initiative coming from dissent-nl to protest against the g-8 summit coming to germany from june 6-8. in very short: 8 world leaders deciding how to shorten this and other planets' life span. and all this supposedly in our name. hmm, well … the protest against this g-8 summit in heiligendamm/rostock will, among many other things, be a benefit c.d. with our song "no government needed" on it and hopefully some accompanying benefit shows throughout the netherlands. don't worry, we will keep you informed.

ok, less politically correct, we have a video of our infamous show at the speak out fest in the willemeen in arnhem from this year on our myspace.

well, now the main reason for this update, so please keep reading: we're going on tour again! after months of not touring we're very excited to go again. and we decided the people of france and spain to be the victims of our urge to cross the borders for the sake of our "music". so you can check the tourdates in our show section. and you will soon discover that not all dates are filled. that's where we hope that you come in. if you can help us out with a show or a contact that might be able to help us out, it would be very much appreciated. very very much. please, email us or make use of any possible medium if you can be of any help. we're doing this together with our friend joni from annie mae bookings. of course you can get in contact with him directly as well.

i think that's it for now. hope to see you all soon again! 

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16 October 2005 ~ Comments Off on more shows!

more shows!

and more shows too! we got some new shows scheduled, check them at the shows section. besides that we have some more to be confirmed, those will be posted a.s.a.p. and thirdly, annie mae bookings, a booking agency from slovenia, has put us on their roster. they will help to get us even more shows and to get us over to the u.k. some time. check their site at

furthermore, our song 'another guide' will appear in a dutch skate video. that's currently being edited. we're very honoured to be featured in a medium that introduced us to punkrock! as soon as we have more details about what and when we'll let you know.

and last but certainly not least, (remember, from that one competition!) will put an online mp3 sampler on their site with one of our songs on it for your downloading pleasure. again, details will follow! that's it for now! 

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14 December 2003 ~ Comments Off on for the monkeys!

for the monkeys!

for the monkeys damnit! saturday was amazing, made a lot of money for actiecampagne koen through a great show with even better bands. more of that … again a lot of pictures and even videos have been made that we'd like to be confronted with! tell us. the belgian internetzine reviewed our cd, you can read it here. added some 'g'-links at the links-section. been making new world-improving-anthems this weekend too, hopefully you will hear them soon! bye for now.

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