Hi, thanks for checking out Antillectual

We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.

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11 December 2006 ~ Comments Off on tour, compilations and the “r-word”

tour, compilations and the “r-word”

the january tour a.k.a. the "we should have planned this in the summer-tour" is finally getting some proper shape. of course, there are still some dates to fill, but the trip is definitely worth it already. we're looking forward to be in the van and on the road again. please come and check us out if we come anywhere near you.

the new shirts design is getting really neat and will soon be ready. you read and see it here first. new stickers will be in soon too.

there's some compilation news as well. the triebwerk sampler, even though its release was a while ago, is taking a bit longer to reach us, but it's a nice piece of work. a great amount of awesome bands and very good looking. the bulgarian label troskot records and the belgian label kick ass records will both independently release a compilation with one of our songs on it. at that, the guys from bobby in a volvo, a belgian punk community that is doing our show in oostende, will put a online sampler on their website with, indeed, one of our songs on it.

now the news: we'll be recording some of the new songs we wrote in the new year, in march to be exact. hopefully followed by a new full-length later next year. don't get your hopes too high, these demo recordings won't be released (well, it's not our plan) and next year is still looooooong. in the mean time: come check the songs out live or start your own band! it's fun! 

06 December 2006 ~ Comments Off on small update

small update

we're still having some problems with our january tour. so if you can help us out with a show, we'll play anything, basements, living rooms, bathrooms, you're very welcome! especially when you live in france! some other new dates have been added. thanks to all the people that showed up at the strike anywhere show and the tenement kids c.d. release! new shirts with new designs should be in before the tour in january, beware.

18 November 2006 ~ Comments Off on slight change of plans

slight change of plans

some things in the tour schedule have been changed. check it out and please, let us know if you can be of any help! thanks!

15 November 2006 ~ Comments Off on in need of your help

in need of your help

hi, it's us again! the updates are getting more frequent, and that's a good thing i guess. we're always eager to highlight our political side/sight, therefore: there is a dutch initiative coming from dissent-nl to protest against the g-8 summit coming to germany from june 6-8. in very short: 8 world leaders deciding how to shorten this and other planets' life span. and all this supposedly in our name. hmm, well … the protest against this g-8 summit in heiligendamm/rostock will, among many other things, be a benefit c.d. with our song "no government needed" on it and hopefully some accompanying benefit shows throughout the netherlands. don't worry, we will keep you informed.

ok, less politically correct, we have a video of our infamous show at the speak out fest in the willemeen in arnhem from this year on our myspace.

well, now the main reason for this update, so please keep reading: we're going on tour again! after months of not touring we're very excited to go again. and we decided the people of france and spain to be the victims of our urge to cross the borders for the sake of our "music". so you can check the tourdates in our show section. and you will soon discover that not all dates are filled. that's where we hope that you come in. if you can help us out with a show or a contact that might be able to help us out, it would be very much appreciated. very very much. please, email us or make use of any possible medium if you can be of any help. we're doing this together with our friend joni from annie mae bookings. of course you can get in contact with him directly as well.

i think that's it for now. hope to see you all soon again! 

06 November 2006 ~ Comments Off on better news

better news

hey there! only a short message to announce some new shows this time. hopefully we can present some bigger news soon. in the meantime we're working on new material which is coming along pretty good, that's what we think … 


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