Archive | releases

04 July 2006 ~ Comments Off on another one

another one

we've had some excellent shows lately, the speak out fest in arnhem, our trip to austria and slovenia with the triebwerk sampler presentation and the donauinselfest, good times all over! thanks to those helping us out with that stuff, etjen of just like your mum tour up front. especially meeting our friends of rentokill and 7yearsbadluck was awesome, meeting joni from annie mae bookings for the first time and seeing and hearing in-sane play for the first time as well was amazing too! unfortunately the triebwerk sampler is not in yet, hopefully it'll be in our hands soon. you can find more info about the sampler here, tracklist and stuff.

we have made some pictures of this trip to slovenia and austria. check them out here if you want. don't expect anything this time, it will make it so much better.

this is only a small update, nothing much to inform you guys on unfortunately. hopefully we will have something to say about future plans sometime soon. there will be plans though, don't worry. we don't. sorry, but that's it for now … 


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05 June 2006 ~ Comments Off on and finally

and finally

the tour report of our euro tour last april is online! both words and pictures. expect a lot of sleep and pets, and sometimes even combined. check here to see and read how much fun we had, and you didn't. embarrassing pictures included! thanks again for those helping us out on this trip!

also, we have a new sampler online. the ashcan records sampler is up in our shop, you can get it for 5 euro, along other merchandise. check "merch" for info and stuff. the triebwerk sampler is coming in soon as well.

speaking of which. we'll actually be playing on the release party of that sampler in wiener neustadt, austria. a cool trip that will bring us to slovenia and a huge festival called the donauinselfest in vienna too. we're very excited to go to a new country and finally meet up with joni from annie mae bookings. and we're scared playing the big angry austrian festival. but hey, it's all part of the job … has made our song "because we can" sampler of the month. you can check it (and the recently done interview) here (or at this actual page too).

well, despite all the bands and other relationships that have quit recently, we dare to tempt fate and say "until next time!"  

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11 May 2006 ~ Comments Off on just before we leave again

just before we leave again

we have some news. in the last minute we found a third show in the u.k. for may 18, in brighton. it will be at an awesome place, so we've heard, called the cowley club. hope to see some of you there. we have another show to announce we're very proud of (well, at least my mum is!). we'll be playing at the final (fri)day of the infamous "zomerfeesten" during "de nijmeegse vierdaagse", at "de valkhof affaire" to be "exact"! there are no other bands confirmed yet. but i wouldn't be surprised if they manage to put dire straits up there. we'll keep you up to date. for sure.

a venue in wiener neustadt in austria called the triebwerk will be compiling a sampler with all sorts of cool bands that played there. and, indeed, guess what … we're one of them. some reasons to look out for this sampler: venerea, peter pan speedrock, turbo ac´s, heideroosjes, fabulous disaster, face tomorrow, astpai, rentokill, ephen rian, red lights flash, antimaniax, bambix, cornflames, and many many many more.

and a final thing. there's an interview with me (willem) on, a dutch site consisting of interviews with dutch bands. check it out if you want to be informed. on anything.

oh damn, one more last final thing. the tour report of our euro tour in april will be online next week. we're still waiting for some embarrassing pictures to be developed. yes, we know, that's the old fashioned way. bye bye now, see you at a wilhelm scream. 

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15 January 2006 ~ Comments Off on on the 6.

on the 6.

another small update, some new shows, especially the north of holland seems to be the subject of our ongoing torturing. unfortunately 2 of the scheduled shows in france upcoming weekend didn't work out, so we'll be crossing the border for only 2 shows. but still, playing abroad makes it worth it. please come out and support!

and did we already mention the sampler that will be released by ash can records from luxembourg featuring a song by us? guess not.

take care! and be aware, we'll soon send out a new version of our newsletter. send us an email if you want to receive it too! 

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20 November 2005 ~ Comments Off on shiiiiitloads


after being banged totally numb by the new propagandhi album, we’ve almost recovered and are able to post a shitload of news again. here it goes … lately we’ve also been playing a shitload of shows. we wanna thank the people that organised those, and the people that showed up to support us. we made friends almost everywhere!

to keep on playing anywhere and everywhere we got a shitload of new shows, especially abroad. with a lot of international help from annie mae bookings. we owe them a lot! check the shows section for dates. released an mp3 sampler featuring a shitload of mainly european punkrock/ska/hardcore bands. our contribution to the compilation was our mp3 "another guide (to comprehensive capitalism)" from our latest shit-loaded release ‘silencing civilization’. find all mp3’s here.

and some more news from they reviewed "silencing civilization" as well. you can find that review here. check out the rest of their site as well and support the european punkrock scene, a good looking site for a shit looking scene. just kidding, respect.

let’s talk merchandise: we got a shipload of new buttons with incredibly cool designs made by one inch fun buttons. go check out their site too, and laugh your asses off. on another merchandise note: the critically acclaimed zipped hoodies are slowly coming along as well. the design is finished and they’ll be printed any time soon. we hope.

last news is about our label, angry youth records. they will be releasing the new smash the statues full-length "against the stream". from what we (illegally) have heard it’s a great album by an even greater band! nice to have them on our side now!

that’s it for now. hopefully we compensated the lack of news on our si(t/d)e in the last weeks. hope to hear shitloads from you too! 

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