Hi, thanks for checking out Antillectual

We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.

More about us

18 December 2008 ~ Comments Off on UK tour update

UK tour update

Here's a small update from the back of the van, while we're touring the UK. We're pretty much halfway, as we've done 5 of a total of 9 shows. We’ve been to London, Portsmouth, Southampton, Exeter, Basingstoke. With Newcastle, Bradford, Brighton and Caudry still to go. So far everything is going well apart from a flat tire on our van which we were able to fix quite easily. We’ve had good shows, nice people visiting them and typically British weather during the rides. Ah well, right now the weather is terrible everywhere. You can check out some pictures on our picasa and Boris’ flicker account. Both Boris and Pieter are helping us out on this tour. Please stop by if you have the chance. Hope to see you on the road!

09 December 2008 ~ Comments Off on The cradle of democracy

The cradle of democracy

Today a major local news paper called "De Gelderlander" featured a picture of a Greek guy getting arrested by the cops during the "anarchist riots" going on over there. He was wearing an Anti-Flag shirt. Draw conclusions if you like. "Punk is resistance" some old wise men said some time ago.

05 December 2008 ~ Comments Off on Youth heroes

Youth heroes

Some small updates. First of all we'll be playing with a band that was a major influence on us when we started this band: No Use For A Name. Really exciting to be sharing the stage with them. And, as if it isn't enough, Only Crime will be playing too that night. Speaking of "All stars".

And for some reason it slipped through our fingers, but from now on you can find all our lyrics on this website. Look here for Testimony lyrics and here for Silencing Civilization lyrics. If it's written it's true! We also added the USA tour shirt we brought home to the merch section.

Furthermore we expanded our online hegemony through creating both a Twitter account and Last.fm group. Click on them to find out what is what and sign up or join if you feel like it. They are both still pretty much in a starting phase, so feel free to fire them up.

That's it. Hope to see you on the UK tour we're leaving for in exactly 1 week.

25 November 2008 ~ Comments Off on Last USA tour video online

Last USA tour video online

I guess the title gives away a lot. The last episode of our USA tour video report is online at the Spinner website. Check it out and leave a comment if you feel like it.

As long as we're here anyway; we are planning a Tour de France in January/February and still have some off days which we'd like to fill up. Check the show section if you want to help us out. On that tour we'll also play in Geneva (not quite French) and Raalte on the Pedro Pico Pop festival (not French either indeed). HELP!

The last couple of months people have asked us to participate in benefit samplers to help out a cause worth helping out. Obviously we contribute songs to initiatives we like to support. So maybe you want to check out these organisations that will release or have recently released a compilation album with one of our songs on it. If it's worth one of our songs, maybe it is even worth a minute of your time?

The (Veganarchista) Conspiracy

Help Dave Mahoney

Plea for Peace Europe

Anti Repression Paragraph 278a

21 November 2008 ~ Comments Off on Full set at Fest 7, Gainesville Florida

Full set at Fest 7, Gainesville Florida


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