Hi, thanks for checking out Antillectual

We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.

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29 March 2004 ~ Comments Off on new shows

new shows

yes! someone has been stupid enough to give us another opportunity to make fools of ourselves on stage! and, what is special about this one, is that it will be at the venue where we played our first show ever! indeed, 'de oefenbunker' in landgraaf. 16th of april will be the day … over three years after our first one. anyway; business is running again! our friends from the 4 radicals have been added to the show with the lawrence arms in ede. damn how much good music is coming out these days … well, something has to compensate this worlds' state … later more. 

21 March 2004 ~ Comments Off on white buttons with a black logo

white buttons with a black logo

we have played a great show in panningen, thanx to cedric and everyone organizing! it was so good, even some cops showed up! was actually the first time they did. usually they do not come, not even when you need them, strange. more code blue on the streets!
the new merchandise is in! as of now we have got: white buttons with a black logo; pink, purple and beige patches with a black print and some 'limited edition' handmade stickers. we know, fck elites, we just couldn't afford more stickers … but: new stickers are coming up soon! we know all of this is not half as cool as having your own band pens but not all of us can be code blue!? and our name is not very cooperative either, pens-wise …
no shows for a month, but after that: a show with the lawrence arms! check their new c.d., it is really surprisingly good, do not believe me, listen to it yourself! furthermore: we are practicing our asses off for our upcoming recordings … we can not wait! oh yeah, still looking for shows. so if you … 

14 March 2004 ~ Comments Off on koen & earth first

koen & earth first

damn, have we been making money in amsterdam and tilburg last week! but we didn't get to keep it unfortunately. well, no, fortunately! this money had a higher aim, koen and earth first, so that's worth it all! the shows were awesome, made some new friends and even some enemies, can you imagine that?! well if you heard us you can … new patches are being made tomorrow, that is the plan, and new buttons are ordered too, so things are on the way! and a new update is no new update without some new links!
next saturday a show in panningen, and then, after that, it's rather quiet shows-wise. get us some shows damnit please please please … ? hope to see you soon anyways, unless you're a jazz-sound-engineer.

07 March 2004 ~ Comments Off on not much going on

not much going on

sorry for not updating as much as we used to. but i guess there is not that much going on, we are still resting and relaxing from our little tour, and yet we are busy at the same time, strange, isn't it? well, at least we finished a tour report, check it here. upcoming week two benefit shows in tilburg and amsterdam, very cool, and for very good causes!! hope to see you there! we will be recording at menno bakker's 'bunt studio' may 15 and 16. 3 demo songs will be recorded awaiting some future full-length: 'another guide', 'hero' and 'no government needed', just to let you know.
added some more facts in the show department. we'll keep you updated! promise, again! 

29 February 2004 ~ Comments Off on shrikkelday!


hi! we're back! we had an awesome time in italy, germany and even in the netherlands! we played really cool shows and even the weather was cool, literally. italy in the snow, we didn't expect that, but the view was beautiful! we received really positive responses at our shows and met loads of cool people. just the way a tour should be i guess?! a big fakkn 'thank you!' to all the people that made this amazing experience possible! a bigger and more precise 'tourdiary' is on its way, check back for that. other news: mihoen won't be playing the 10th of march in tilburg. the up-side is that cockroach will be replacing them! a couple of new links were added and the info on the tour shows is now completed. 


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