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03 February 2011 ~ Comments Off on Videos from Eurosonic / Noorderslag

Videos from Eurosonic / Noorderslag

It’s been a while since we updated, for various reasons: we’ve been very busy preparing our set with “new guy” Tim, went off for a few shows in the UK and, well, we’ve been busy updating our facebook status and twitter messages.. Which is exactly what we wanted to talk about!

Besides playing a very enjoyable showcase at the Eurosonic festival in groningen (video below), we were featured in Niels Aalberts‘ Noorderslag panel titled “successful use of social media for bands”. Basically it was a panel about the use of the twitters, facebooks, bandcamps and whatnot. Members of other Dutch bands Blof and Only Seven Left also shared their experiences in this panel, which you can watch further on. It’s all in Dutch, but definitely worth watching if you’re in a band and wondering what the h*ll to do with all those social media. Enjoy!

CMC 1 Noorderslag: succes met nieuwe media from iMMovator on Vimeo.

We also spent some time with Niels and Gert-Jan from NCRV’s Ongekendtalent, who shot a little feature about our (lack of?) preparations for a show. No noisy, sweaty content, just a little more conversation (little less action)

And a tiny reminder: if you happen to be in the Utrecht / Amsterdam area tomorrow, come out and join us at the ACU for Tom’s goodbye show. Tim will be playing a solo set, Utrecht’s Break Character will hurl you back into the 1990’s and a few Swedish guys by the name The Indecision Alarm will probably drink your beer.

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23 March 2010 ~ 4 Comments

Out of the studio

Last Thursday we finished recording our new album. We recorded the drums, bass, guitars and vocals for 12 songs for our new album which will be called “START FROM SCRATCH!”. Honestly we are really happy with the result so far. Now it is up to Nico van Montfort to mix and master it into heaven. While recording we shot some more video footage, enjoy:

A track list will be posted in the near future. There is no release date set for the new album yet. We will upload a song to give you an impression as soon as everything is mastered.

On another note; in April and May we will be touring together with the guys from High Five Drive from Canada. We will hit the UK, France, Belgium and Holland. Check the dates . After that we will travel through a bigger part of Europe at the end of May and June. Again, check the dates at the shows section.

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13 March 2010 ~ 2 Comments

In between studio days

Last week we spent in the studio tracking guitars and vocals. Things actually get in shape pretty nice, if I may say so. Next week we will be finishing some more guitars (rhythm, lead, acoustic), vocals (lead, backing, guest) and do some more additional percussion. You can still check out a little video report we did here. More frequent updates are sent out to “followers“, “fans” and other “BFF’s“.

The new album will feature a song called “Kraken gaat door!” which translates to “Squatting continues!”. This is a song against the to be implemented anti-squatting law in the Netherlands. I know a lot of bands, their audience, artists, students and other people benefit from squatting, so we oppose forbidding it. In case you are a musician (or audience member?) yourself and you want to contribute your voice against this law, please go here and leave your message. We’ve signed it and hopefully you will too! Kraken gaat door!

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02 March 2010 ~ 5 Comments

Studio update no. 1 (video included)

Those of you who are active on Facebook or Twitter might have noticed already: we have been spending some time in the studio. Last week we started the recordings of our third full length album. We are recording 12 brand new songs with our brother Nico van Montfort, who also recorded Testimony and Pull the Plug. Speaking of which: 2 of the songs we are recording were also on that EP, but we are using proper amps now.

So last week we managed to record all the drum and bass tracks in just over 4 days. We will be returning to the Erock studio to work on guitar and vocals next week and the week after that. We have not planned a release date yet, as we are still figuring out details on who will release it. Recordings should be done by the end of March, hopefully it will not be too long before you can get your hands on this album.

To put it mildly, we are absolutely stoked to finally get these songs recorded. If you want to keep up with what we are doing in the studio, consider ‘fanning’ us on Facebook or following us on Twitter. We will be sending out updates regularly.

Below is a little video that summarizes the first 4 days (including English subtitles). Hope you like what you hear.

video on youtube

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15 September 2009 ~ 6 Comments

Squatting continues! (new song)

Hey everyone, what’s up? We have been laying a little low on our updates, basically because we are working our asses off booking the last dates for our tour with After the Fall, writing new songs and all that.

In the meantime, let us share a new song with you. It is one of the songs that will end up on our new record and it is our first song ever with a Dutch title: “Kraken gaat door”. It is derived from the slogan of the Dutch squatting movement and translates to something along the lines of “squatting continues”. While the Dutch government is working on legislation to make squatting illegal, we think it is more important than ever to point out what benefits we all have from the squatting movement. For example, a lot of popular venues in the Netherlands originated from the squatting movement (Melkweg Amsterdam, Doornroosje Nijmegen to name a few). Somehow people tend to forget this and rather speak of squats in a negative tone..

Well, here goes. This video was shot recently at the Skatefest in Olen (BE), by our friend Tom of Smash the Statues. Enjoy!

(you can skip straight to the song at 1:07 if your Dutch is not too good)

Keep an eye on your e-mail inbox in the next week, as we will be sending out a fine newsletter

Oh, and if you have any options for shows on October 9 or 10, please hit us up!

Oops: apparently, Tom didn’t film this (he’s in the pit somewhere), so it must have been our friend “rental” Thomas. Thanks Noam and Tom for noticing

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