Archive | tours

31 March 2005 ~ Comments Off on new tour!

new tour!

we've just finished our spring tour and a new one is on it's way already! well, a weekend tour that is. one in austria, we've never been there so, that's very cool. and we're really happy to meet up with our friend dave again in austria. he played drums in our american-tour-buddy-band hypatia and is now drumming for rambo. check 'shows' for dates, venues etc. gotta keep this one short. more reviews up soon! don't stay where you are.

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22 March 2005 ~ Comments Off on we’re back from spring tour!

we’re back from spring tour!

and spring it was! we had such a great time out on the road again. we met a lot of old friends and made just as much new ones at that. we owe a lot to everyone that got us a show, some good food, drinks (some too much), a place to sleep and so much love and warmth when supporting our little band! thanks! but we can't thank people without mentioning these people: peter & angry youth records, pulce 'minchia' trash brigade, r.p. punkrock & total horror bookings, ashcan records, flo next friday, pascal and elisa in heaven, enrico sumo, gio memento mori and lena kunterbunt. paul and jerome from ash can records made pics of our gig in luxembourg. check em here. more pictures (bologna) coming soon.

after a lot of individual (and positive!) comments the first 'official' review is in, from and a nice one it is! check it under our music section or here for the original version, comments and the possibility to make comments yourself at an italian review is in as well, but we'll translate it in english before putting it online. last week our new album was 'c.d. of the week' at a french radio show called 'tous en tong' broadcasted by c'rock radio. here is the site of the radio station. here is the site of the punkrock community that does the radio show. a lot of thanks go out to them!

and of course we put up some more info on upcoming shows. which we are always looking for by the way! shows not info, duh. 

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07 March 2005 ~ Comments Off on last update before euro-tour

last update before euro-tour

first of all, thank you all so f'ing much for all the positive comments on our new c.d.! we are really happy with them and you can still leave all your comments in our guest book. we are still waiting for 'official' reviews and will post them here as soon as they arrive. angry youth records has arranged that sonic rendezvous will be distributing the c.d. throughout the benelux. so from now on you can buy it or order it at your local record shop too. how cool is that?!

we found some old pictures from our show in bologna last year. check 'em, some are wild. and we look young, and not even that hairy …
01 | 02 | 03 | 04

added some new specifications for our tour, and general new shows.

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22 January 2005 ~ Comments Off on germany, luxembourg, switzerland, italy and france

germany, luxembourg, switzerland, italy and france

wow! our spring tour is taking shape, and a nice shape it is! we will be playing in germany, luxembourg, switzerland, italy and france! we're looking forward to being on the road again and meeting up with our friends so much! but unfortunately we are still looking for two more shows. check the shows section for what, where and when. our full-length c.d. is still making progress. release: first half of february, on angry youth records. 

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20 January 2005 ~ Comments Off on email


we've had some trouble with our email account but it all has been resolved. no worries, no messages got lost. we opened a new email address though: ! our old address will remain but please use our new one. we still need some shows for our tour, please help us out if you can!

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