Archive | releases

16 October 2005 ~ Comments Off on more shows!

more shows!

and more shows too! we got some new shows scheduled, check them at the shows section. besides that we have some more to be confirmed, those will be posted a.s.a.p. and thirdly, annie mae bookings, a booking agency from slovenia, has put us on their roster. they will help to get us even more shows and to get us over to the u.k. some time. check their site at

furthermore, our song 'another guide' will appear in a dutch skate video. that's currently being edited. we're very honoured to be featured in a medium that introduced us to punkrock! as soon as we have more details about what and when we'll let you know.

and last but certainly not least, (remember, from that one competition!) will put an online mp3 sampler on their site with one of our songs on it for your downloading pleasure. again, details will follow! that's it for now! 

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02 August 2005 ~ Comments Off on there’s no news like no news

there’s no news like no news

only some statistics for y'all: 200.000 visits on this site so far. keep 'em comin' yo! but every upside has its downside: 100 'friends' on 'myspace' so far as well. conclusion: out of every 2000 people that get to know us, only 1 wants to be our friend. how do we keep ourselves motivated?

on a more important note: if transatlantic people want to buy our c.d. they might want to check out square of opposition records. as from now on this friendly record label should have our c.d. in their distro. go check them here.

removed some old and redundant links. 

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11 July 2005 ~ Comments Off on summer break

summer break

every one having a nice summer break? we're not! we want more shows. there. we said it. on a more positive note: 3 more reviews! and we enjoy them as much as their writers enjoyed our album … get it? check em out under music.

thanks to the people showing up at the only indoor stage at the parkhof open air festival. dedication, anyone?

oh, and … we received another sampler featuring one of our songs: 'change the station' from 'white russian records'. yep, under music. it turned out to be an excellent compilation with pretty cool bands form all over the world. you can get it at one of our upcoming shows. 

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13 June 2005 ~ Comments Off on no new reviews!

no new reviews!

this time it's a new cd we have for you! the oostpunk c.d. has been released last saturday and it was a hell of a party with all bands from gelderland that matter. thanks to everyone and all the bands for showing up and off! it was a blast. this sampler features 2 previously unreleased songs of us and a lot of other cool bands and songs. you can check (info about) the c.d. under 'music'. looking for shows when-ever, where-ever and for-ever! 

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25 April 2005 ~ Comments Off on austria kicks drunk ass!

austria kicks drunk ass!

at least oberpilsbach does. we had a great time everywhere in austria though, meeting up again with rentokill and r.a.m.b.o., and meeting 7yearsbadluck and other extremely friendly people. thanks for the people at whose couches we crashed! we hope to come back as soon as possible.

so far touring abroad. we have a lot of shows coming up in holland again in our own area specifically. check out the shows section to see the new added shows.

remember the 'gelderland-sampler' with all sorts of bands from the gelderland area? it seems to have become a five year plan. but, finally, the release is in sight! the release date is set for june 11 and we'll be playing at the release show in arnhem. together with a lot of other cool bands from gelderland of course. we recorded 2 previously unreleased songs for it: 'dream to live' and 'blood, sweat and tears'. 

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