As you may have noticed on the Twitters, Facebooks and other news outlets, we’ve started the recordings of our 4th, as of yet untitled, full-length album. Here’s a little peek for you.
We’ve taken a little more time to prepare for this album than we’ve done in the past. Willem made rough demo’s at home and we did pre-production and recordings before recording the real thing. The biggest difference from “Start From Scratch!” is that with this album we’ve tried to bring some more compact and even more melodic songs to the writing table. Rest assured: not melodic in a virtuoso Pink Floyd or Dream Theatre sense, but generally a higher hooks-per-song ratio than we may have done before. Then again: there is always a big difference in perception between the listeners of music and those who wrote that music, so we’re very curious to hear your opinion when it’s ready!
Last weekend we started (and finished!) recording drums, and Riekus hit the drums and cowbell as hard as he could, so it sounds very promising already. In the next weeks Willem and Glen will be recording bass and guitar at our headquarter (= home), and vocals at Nico XPZ‘s home studio. How DIY is that? After we’ve recorded all bass and guitars, we’ll be re-amping them. This may sound a little technical, but it basically means it will sound great! Last we’ll be throwing in some extra, not-so-punk instruments like organs, pianos and cellos, which you may have expected after the “Future History” EP.
Behind the scenes we’re doing more work involved in releasing an album: talking to labels, planning tours, discussing artwork, thinking about an album title (how could we forget that!), brainstorming about (yet another!) music video and planning a release show. All in all there’s a lot to be done, but nothing will stand between us and world domination. We’ll try to keep everyone updated as the plan unfolds …
In the mean time, we’re still playing shows! Keep an eye on the shows page and hope to see you out there