Archive | tours

10 January 2005 ~ Comments Off on spring tour!

spring tour!

some minor changes showswise. but: we are really in need of shows for our spring tour. please help us out if you can! please? a huge 'thank you' to all the people that showed up at kultuurhuis bosch. it was an amazing show and we made a lot of money, for the monkeys! 

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04 January 2005 ~ Comments Off on happy newyeah

happy newyeah

happy newyeah to all! what better way to start the new year then by announcing a spring tour. check out the show-section for dates. unfortunately we still need some more dates on our route. if you could help us out with some blank 't.b.c. days' we'd be so grateful! at that we are still looking for a show for rentokill from austria on february 22. get in touch with us for that one too if you can!
 see you in arnhem, for the monkeys!

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30 December 2004 ~ Comments Off on u.s.a. & u.s.a.

u.s.a. & u.s.a.

last update of the year: added another new show and updated some. added a lot of information from our u.s.a.-tour. 'delayed' you say? 'yes' we reply. but now you could check out what bands we played with, what cities we played at, and the venues we enjoyed. some missing info still has to be updated though. we finally finished mixing our new album this week and we'll send the final recordings out to new jersey for the mastering next year. damn, that sounds far away. we're looking forward to it so much … you can't even imagine.

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15 August 2004 ~ Comments Off on back!


fcuk! we're back home! we survived it, and how! it was damn great, we have had the best time ever, with the nicest people we could ever have hoped for! we played very cool shows at the weirdest locations: bars, dirty basements, barns, squats, outdoor amphitheaters, living rooms, video stores, record stores, co-ops, practice spaces, hilton-hotel-alike-venues, etcetera. expect an on-line tour diary in the near future with pictures, more detailed experiences and all. please leave your comments on the tour (or whatever) in our guest book, please! thanks to all the people that booked us a show, fed us delicious vegan meals, let us sleep on their couches, came out to see and support us at our shows, talked to us and thanks to all restaurants that gave us vegetable oil to keep our van running! thanks to the n.p.i. for supporting us and making this tour possible. thanks to gijs, sterre and katy for helping us out! we probably forget a load of people that we should thank; the list is never-ending while our memory is … despite that: a special thanks goes out to hypatia's dave, jordan, kyle, charlie and ryan. without them none of this would have been possible or would not have been this much fun! thank you guys so much! ok, enough ass kissing, we got work to do: new shows are posted in the show section, and we are ready for more!
at that we will be recording 2 previously unreleased songs for a compilation with other bands from gelderland. our songs: 'dream to live' and 'blood, sweat and tears on our luxury'. some of the other bands: bambix, beans, last to go, the shaggable sluts, the fart farmers, code blue, v.l.a., operation market garden, dislocated. more news later! 

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26 July 2004 ~ Comments Off on cars and vans running on vegetable oil

cars and vans running on vegetable oil

yeah! we're still in the land of freedom, mc d's and cars and vans running on vegetable oil! and we're doing great! right now we're back at hypatia's home base in allentown, pennsylvania where we played our best show so far, it was crowded and all. people everywhere are responding positively on our music and that's all we are here for i guess. we've played 5 shows so far so we have 15 to go! today we will be leaving for the south and even more warmth … keep checking back for news since people here seem to have internet too!
oh and by the way, both bad jokes and the dutch language seem to be more international than we could have guessed, strange isn't it?! 

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