Archive | releases

07 March 2004 ~ Comments Off on not much going on

not much going on

sorry for not updating as much as we used to. but i guess there is not that much going on, we are still resting and relaxing from our little tour, and yet we are busy at the same time, strange, isn't it? well, at least we finished a tour report, check it here. upcoming week two benefit shows in tilburg and amsterdam, very cool, and for very good causes!! hope to see you there! we will be recording at menno bakker's 'bunt studio' may 15 and 16. 3 demo songs will be recorded awaiting some future full-length: 'another guide', 'hero' and 'no government needed', just to let you know.
added some more facts in the show department. we'll keep you updated! promise, again! 

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09 February 2004 ~ Comments Off on italian storm

italian storm

silence before the italian storm. what's up? nothing much: added smash the statues to our show in tilburg, canceled black vampire from our show in panningen, nothing much as you can see. we are still working on new songs, as usual. the brouwerij-compilation is on its way, as they say and new patches are on the way! knew there was something …

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05 November 2003 ~ Comments Off on animal rights sampler fronttalkrock records

animal rights sampler fronttalkrock records

new day, new update: band biography is up-to-date again. once more we are asked to contribute to a compilation-record. this time it will be a benefit-cd for animalrights on the sweden based fronttalkrock records. what song we will donate? you can guess it … our 'single' 'first to go'. single, yeah right. other news: our friends from aggra makabra from germany will be playing at the acu in utrecht november 30 with petrograd en turbostaat, check them out, it will be so cool!

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30 October 2003 ~ Comments Off on show cancellation

show cancellation

unfortunately the show in tilburg on november 19 got cancelled. hopefully a new date will be arranged soon. more bands confirmed for the 'vals-sampler': bbk, olho do gato

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27 October 2003 ~ Comments Off on compilation, vrance and website updates

compilation, vrance and website updates

squat-bar 'de onderbroek' is releasing a compilation cd as well, just as for the vals-sampler our contribution will be the song 'first to go'. new show in vrankrijk, amsterdam added. new interesting links put up as well and the ever-changing personal bio's have been changed once more. at the music-section you can see the covers of our (old) cd's.   

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