Our new album TOGETHER is out now! Check it via all digital platforms below and if you like what you hear, order an LP / CD / tape / bundle here!

cover art



How did we get to this point? Who got us into this mess?
No one to blame but ourselves and the way we progress

We’ve been cutting ties, pursuing independency
We’ve been telling lies, inflating individuality

These strategies are useless in the end
It’s better to start looking for a friend

Is the only way to make things better
Is the only way to help each other (out)

It is a chain reaction, let’s embrace our dependency
It is a call for action, give up soloist tendencies

It’s better to start looking for a hand

‘Cause we are the people, populists are not
Fighting the fever, it’s getting too hot
What matters is profit, the people do not
Fighting the fascists, will get you shot
Supporting the movement, sing them a song
Othering people, right versus wrong
Divided minorities, tagging along
Caring for all those, reacting so strong

We can only get ahead if we stick together

I’m finding out what matters in the end
It’s better to start looking for a hand



Hard-fought electoral merits vanished into hollow sway
A bribe seems our last ammunition, consumer strike, strategic pay

Your invisible hand will meet our visible fist
Trust me we’ll take a stand, together we will resist

Fashion victims wearing t-shirts paraphrasing human rights
Made by valid fashion victims who lost their shirt working the night

Orgies of consumer porn
The best things in life aren’t things at all
Life in debt since we were born
The best things in life aren’t things at all

First shots always come for free
Honey traps in search of prey
The house will always win as you can see

We won’t give up, we won’t give in
It’s your system that we’re living in



You might be right about the problem
Creating more for few, less for most
You’re surely wrong about the solution
Caring more for you, less for those

Struggling at the end of the month
To them apocalypse means nothing at all

Every action is a reaction
Acts of despair, no influence
Weapons of the weak, self defense

Now the times they are ashaming
You sold them for the highest bid
If you’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole
You made them pay for all of it

The silenced bottom half
To them an average means nothing at all

You could have seen it coming
You never saw through their eyes
You never understood
You say they caught you off-guard
You never walked a mile in their shoes



They promised us the world
Would be a global village
Instead of one community
Divided lands of opportunity

Parallel lives lived in one single universe
Separated from those that came off worse

From city to city
Isolating the periphery
Disconnected life

On our island
Without a notion of the others

From the center to the outpost
We forget to lend a hand
From the east coast to the west coast
We forgot our hinterland

This connected life

From town to town
All these connected lives

In the ocean
On the horizon



Masturbating to identity, disrespect for what’s off-beat
I’m not a sexist or anything, some of my best friends are &$#@*

Growing up on prejudice, stranger, danger lesson one
I’m not a racist or anything, some of my best friends are &$#@*

I’ll keep denying it

Not a sexist, racist, homophobe
From denial, awareness, to a fight for hope
No matter what, I’ll keep denying it

Institutionalized privileges, obstruct our analysis
I am not a homophobe, some of my best friends are &$#@*

I am aware of it

But at least, I am aware of it

Always out of shot of getting hit
We’re in the right spot to kick this shit
Care for what we’re not till all admit
We have got to start fight, let’s start fighting it

Now that we know, we can start fighting it



We get the leaders that we deserve
Heads you win, tails we lose

What the fuck has happened, post apocalyptic wake up
I’ll never drink again, I just can not believe what’s hitting us
Idiot tsunamis, surging corpocratic stickup
Political pollution, posers, populistic buzz

Selling out the people that you claim to speak for

Heads you win, tails we lose
Fuck this game, your placebo news

The White House lead by Wall Street, main street left out in the gutter
The coach of the three comma club serving B-sides of society
Power brings responsibility like a big brother
Instead we get dictators, trapped in our democracy

Fuck this game and your fake excuse

Disgracefully you tear down what was built
It seems as if you’ve never heard of guilt
Unfortunately you’ll never be billed
For all the hard fought progress that you killed

Fuck this game and your crooked views
Half full glasses always get refilled



Remember back when the earth was not flat-lining
Us gas guzzling down the great autobahn

All airmiles well spent, frequent flyers shopping duty free
Now the plane’s going down, inflight programs still on

As the temperatures rise
Is this fever the problem or a cure in disguise?

Now this is the end of life and how it used to be
The ship’s going down with the band going strong

The fever’s the problem, not a cure from the sky



A pamphlet no matter how good is never read more than once
But a song is learned by heart and repeated over and over again

Here we are
Here with comfort and helping hands
Ethical support bands

Fuel to flame the fire
Preaching to the choir
Support the movement, fight a standstill

An armor with our weapon of choice in contemporary churches
If we can’t expand our army, let’s hope its harmony emerges

Do you really think you will change anything?

We don’t do this to change someone that disagrees
We don’t do this to change stubborn nemeses
We do this so the people will not change us
Missionary work you call treasonous

Fuel the popular dissent with us

Sleep now in the fire



I can’t believe we’re having this conversation again
Can’t understand or imagine how you’re not appalled by them
Deductive thought and research show what side you’re on bitter man
Was The Resistance, their views, too extreme for you too back then?

For once and for all: this is a zero sum game

If you’re not outraged then I don’t understand you
If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention

Dog whistling your purebreds, your pitbull pack, bloodhound gang
But you’re barking up the wrong tree, you inglorious bastard

We’ll never know what being privileged is
We’ll never learn how lucky we are, because we are
We’ll never know what being entitled is
You don’t know what we’ve got till it’s gone



Growing up alone it seems to be your destiny
To do things on your own and be your own community
Meet me at the intersection of harmony and dissonance
A declaration of dependency on others with significance

Wanna face these crises alone?
No single simple solution
We are relying on our strings attached
All spun so tight, almost fusing

Helping Hands

We’re allies and associates so you won’t fly under the radar
As spies and as ambassadors we’re here to serve and to defend you

We’re in this together, cannot do this alone
Depend on each other, cannot do this on our own

Liner notes


Recent events have revived the age-old belief that you can achieve more together than alone. This goes for both global events, the music industry and the way we deal with our band.

Climate change, #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine are the most important issues we’ve been facing on a global level lately. Each of these can only be solved by taking action together. We can’t stop global warming unless a great majority of the people is involved. A dissonant relation between gender types can only be restored if all support a healthy balance. Disadvantaged groups in our population can only get the right amount of respect if people outside those groups recognize the value of treating others with dignity; if both groups decide to tackle this problem together. And only together countries can fight an invasion of another country.

The current situation in the music industry in general and the punk scene in particular forces people to work together as well. The traditional roles of bands/musicians/labels/distributors/bookers are fading, if they ever were clearly distinguished in the DIY scene at all. Social and personal media have been taking over the role of mainstream media. The democratization of the musical landscape has created an opportunity that can be both a blessing and a curse. Bands can only spread their word and music together with partners and supporters, instead of via just one major label.

Since 2018 we have been releasing individual songs as singles. We didn’t feel like creating a new album in the traditional way. Now that we have recorded and released a bunch of songs we feel like putting them together so people can enjoy them the best way possible! We have never really released music the standard way, and this album is probably our most unconventional release to date. We hope to spread this release together with you!

DO IT TOGETHER! Team work makes the dream work!



In a world where politicians govern their nations as companies, citizens are reduced to customers. We are left with little more influence than our spendings. So let’s use that mechanism and “celebrate” the economic crisis of 2008’s 15th birthday by making our purchases with even more care about who we support financially. We, the extras in the neoliberal narrative, should address politicians and companies in the only language they understand and let our money do the talking. Strategic purchases, consumer strikes and boycotting companies whose policies we don’t agree with are our best bribe to get a foot in the door. Shake our visible fist to the invisible hand of the market. Merry 15 year crisiversary!



We live in polarized times. Left vs right, mainstream media vs fake news, the elite vs the people, this list goes on and on. The French yellow vest (gilets jaunes) protests, Brexit, the conspiracy theorists, “Trump”, Canadian truckers, Dutch farmers; a lot of populist protest has come to the surface in the last years. A lot of those protesters are the victims of an opportunistic, arrogant elite appropriating those protesters’ problems. A movement of those on the bottom who lost hope to climb up. In short, the issue is the fear of missing out on the opportunity our society does create for others. A divide is acceptable as long as both sides are growing and prospering. That is no longer the case.
To resist the viewpoints you’re opposed to, it’s sometimes smart to listen to their advocates. It makes sense to understand the position of these protesters and where their drive comes from. Understanding why people support populist, alt right ideas, but without condoning those ideas!
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.



Where touring and critical thinking meet. When touring around the world and going to new places we always wonder what kind of people we will meet. Whether they are closely connected to their local cultures and practices or a product of a globalizing world. In most cases it’s the latter; we meet like minded people, living similar lives to our own. They just happen to be a couple of thousand kilometers away.
Simultaneously there are encounters with people living only 5 km away whose ideas and lifestyle are extremely hard to relate to. People that grew up pretty much the same way we did, who have completely different views. This shows in cities with relatively progressive majors, in quite conservative countries. Differences between countries might have declined, within countries they seem to have grown. Sometimes Bogota, Colombia feels nearer than Groesbeek.
Over the last decades people started to believe the world would become a unified global village through international trade, growing individual mobility and the internet. Looking at today’s world, that project has not yet succeeded. Even though malls and shopping districts worldwide look exactly alike with all the same shops, (groups of) people still seem to live on their respective islands. But the connection between those islands is getting stronger and stronger.



The practice of “othering” is excluding and displacing people from a social group to the margins of society, simply for being the other and not having the same nature, history or identity as oneself. Sexism, racism and homophobia are examples of othering. Displays of othering all have in common that, in order to fight them, you have to acknowledge that their tendencies manifest in each and everyone of us, including yourself as well. If you deny those sexist, racist and homophobic tendencies, and your personal privileges, you can’t fight your own prejudices. And if you can’t fix yourself it’s harder, and hypocritical, to try to fix others.



It was only a matter of time for a counter movement to arise after the economic crisis of 2008. Hoping for a left wing solution to solve a right wing problem seemed sensible, right? Instead, populism became one of the main responses to the recession.
This populist wave has been destroying many progressive accomplishments all over the world. Trump in the US, Boris Johnson in the UK, Orban in Hungary, Duterte in the Philippines, Geert Wilders and Thierry Baudet in the Netherlands, the list seems endless. If it wasn’t so painful you could call it ironic: self proclaimed “ordinary people” fighting the establishment they are the very product of. Well established people with a successful commercial or political career now say they represent society’s “leftovers”. Lower middle class families scared of the changes in a globalizing world form a group of people that feels betrayed by the political and economic elite. As a reaction they like to take on the classes above them (the elite) and below them (sexual, racial, religious and other minorities, and immigrants).
The lack of representation is a huge problem in western democracy, but fixing that problem by installing repressive authoritarian leaders is very counterproductive.



Some say that climate change is the biggest problem of our generation. Denying climate change is the 21th century equivalent of saying the earth is flat. A changing climate is obviously our greatest threat: without a livable planet, there’s no human life possible, which would make all other human problems irrelevant. But what if we look at this problem a little differently, a little less anthropocentric? What if the climate heating up is not a problem, but a cure to heal the planet’s biggest problem: human existence. What if the planet is sweating out this threat to secure its own existence? The earth is trying to get rid of us like that frog in boiling water. Noah’s ark turned Titanic, and half of us don’t even (want to) know or care.



“A pamphlet, no matter how good, is never read more than once, but a song is learned by heart and repeated over and over. And I maintain that if a person can put a few common sense facts into a song and dress them up in a cloak of humor, he will succeed in reaching a great number of workers who are too unintelligent or too indifferent to read.” by Joe Hill (1879-1915), songwriter and activist.
“Oh I don’t do this to change the country. I do this so the country won’t change me.” is a quote from A.J. Muste, Dutch born American clergyman and pacifist given when a reporter asked him, “Do you really think you are going to change the policies of this country by standing out here alone at night in front of the White House with a candle?”
Bands change people’s lives. We know they do, because other bands changed our lives before we even started this band. If we’ve ever changed one person’s life (for the better) because of our music & lyrics, that would be amazing! But, something else is equally important to us: supporting the people who already have a similar mindset. They don’t need convincing but could use some confirmation that they’re not alone, not the only one having these beliefs that might set them apart from the people in their direct surroundings.



“If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention” was Heather Heyer’s last message to the online world before getting killed by a car during an anti-fascist protest in Charlottesville in 2017. After these pro- and anti-fascist rallies president Trump stated that both sides were to blame for the unrest.
In the process of writing this song a local anti-fascist activist was arrested and accused of inciting homicide or murder after yelling perhaps tasteless, yet rather innocent slogans during an anti-fascist protest, held after the Dutch Forum voor Democratie won the provincial elections.
Extreme right wing ideologies are growing. Alt right, identitarian movements and populism are proof that the far right wing is on the rise again. Just to be clear: we think that’s a bad thing. As a result anti-fascist (re)actions and movements are growing too. Just to be clear: we think that’s a good thing.
Most people are anti-fascists, including a lot who don’t actively realize it. Anti-fascism should not be wasted on the left, but seen as a mainstream principle, supported from the left to the, well, moderate right. But what doesn’t help is that anti-fascism is being framed as an extreme ideology and practice, invoking violence and uproar. Maybe you don’t agree with some people supporting anti-fascism and their activism, that doesn’t make anti-fascism wrong or harmful.
Anti-fascism is not a crime.



Growing up alone it seems to be your destiny
To do things on your own and be your own community
Meet me at the intersection of harmony and dissonance
A declaration of dependency on others with significance

Wanna face these crises alone?
No single simple solution
We are relying on our strings attached
All spun so tight, almost fusing

Helping Hands

We’re allies and associates so you won’t fly under the radar
As spies and as ambassadors we’re here to serve and to defend you

We’re in this together, cannot do this alone
Depend on each other, cannot do this on our own


Antillectual is Willem (vocals & guitar), Riekus (drums & vocals) and Ben (bass & vocals). Ben recorded tracks 1, 4, 8, 10 and Toon tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.

Credits for the creation of this record go out to: Adrian from Mayleaf and Roos for pre-producing. Tim at Big Dog Recordings for recording and mixing [tracks 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10]; same goes for Martin at Mailmen [for tracks 2, 5, 6]. Nico at XPZ Sound for mastering. Wendy at Big Dog for contributing guest vocals, Ian The Punk Cellist for the beautiful cello parts. Thomas at Darkroast for the amazing album artwork and Done by Tjeerd Derkink for the back photo.

Together with the following helping hands we were able to be a band over the last years and create this record. Eternal gratitude and thanks go out to:
Toon for being our bass player and recording part of this record with us. Roos for helping out with everything behind the scenes and on the road. Emiel, Aaron and Jason, for joining us on tour. Gijs for stepping in when it was needed. Steve at Merit Based Bookings and Maik, Marcel at The Living Proof Agency for helping out with shows. David at fairtrademerch for taking care of our merch. Mirko at Uncle M, all labels and other partners helping out with this and past releases. Music Support Gelderland and SENA for supporting this record via their funds. /

Upcoming shows

  • Feb20
    Kurz Vorm Kino
    Germany Bottrop
  • Feb21
    JuHa West
    Germany Stuttgart
  • Feb22
    Germany Würzburg
  • Mar14
    Germany Hamburg
  • Mar15
    Germany Verden
  • Mar19
    Germany Oberhausen
  • Mar20
    Tante Anna
    Germany Saarbrücken
  • Mar21
    Germany Erfurt
  • Mar22
    Germany Berlin
  • Apr4
    Switzerland Zürich
  • Apr5
    Germany Nürnberg
  • Apr6
    Switzerland Solothurn
  • Apr8
    Germany Düsseldorf
  • Apr10
    Germany TBA
  • Apr11
    Germany Hannover
  • Apr12
    Germany Oerlinghausen
  • May17
    Punk Meets People Festival
    Germany Haldern

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