HELPING HANDS is the closing song of TOGETHER, featuring cello parts by Ian Legge, The Punk Cellist. Just like album opener and title track Together, it’s a song about being dependent of others. About being part of a society in general and a music community specifically. You need helping hands to get through life and you need to offer others helping hands to get them through their lives.
Our full length album TOGETHER is coming out May 2, 2023. Pre-order the album (LP/CD/tape) via!
Growing up alone it seems to be your destiny
To do things on your own and be your own community
Meet me at the intersection of harmony and dissonance
A declaration of dependency on others with significance
Wanna face these crises alone?
No single simple solution
We are relying on our strings attached
All spun so tight, almost fusing
We’re allies and associates so you won’t fly under the radar
As spies and as ambassadors we’re here to serve and to defend you
We’re in this together, cannot do this alone
Depend on each other, cannot do this on our own
HELPING HANDS is the closing song of TOGETHER, featuring cello parts by Ian Legge, The Punk Cellist. Just like album opener and title track Together, it’s a song about being dependent of others. About being part of a society in general and a music community specifically. You need helping hands to get through life and you need to offer others helping hands to get them through their lives. Antillectual’s full length album TOGETHER comes out May 2