Today’s most used guitar? Willem’s G+L telecaster AKA Tele Swift.
Today's most used guitar? Willem's G+L telecaster AKA Tele Swift. #Newalbum2015 #studiofun #ohnoyoudidnt?!
— Antillectual (@antillectual) April 23, 2015
We're a punkrock trio from Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We've toured and released albums worldwide since 2005. We like our punkrock political and melodic, combining the best of ’90’s skatepunk, ’00’s emo and ’10’s orgcore.
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Today's most used guitar? Willem's G+L telecaster AKA Tele Swift. #Newalbum2015 #studiofun #ohnoyoudidnt?!
— Antillectual (@antillectual) April 23, 2015
Day 3 in the studio, recording the first batch: drums and basic guitars done, bass in progress #politpunk #progpunk #europunk #newalbum2015
— Antillectual (@antillectual) April 22, 2015
Studio day 1 recap: 4 songs drums done. The old '76 Ludwig kit sounds amazing, Jochem and Sander @ Split Second Sound are true pros #album5
— Antillectual (@antillectual) April 20, 2015