27 May 2007 ~ Comments Off on Review Show Picturebeautiful.net

Review Show Picturebeautiful.net

At about 1625 Hrs I left for Perron55_ which had some punkbands playing. The first one, the Jux Junction, played a decent show. They really made progress since I last saw them, so that was good. The second band on was Antillectual….

let me be clear about this one… WOW FUCKING WOW!! What a band, what an energetic live performance. Finally a band that shows people how it's done again. Doesn't matter when the lights come down from the ceiling, just rock!! Also, finally a band that dares to make a stand on stage, a band that is conscious about the world around us, and dares speak out loud!! I knew the name, but never heard the band before, but… instant fan!!

After Antillectual, 3 storey high played a nice show of green dayish tunes. It was a shame I had to run because Eindhoven was already waiting. I quickly picked up a copy of the Antillectual album and a shirt, and went on my way.


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