02 January 2023 ~ Comments Off on Happy 2023!

Happy 2023!

May 2023 continue where 2022 left off for our scene: getting back on track after the pandemic. On the other hand, the world seems to be in dire straits with wars and crises continuing. We hope releasing our upcoming album can offer some solace, hope and a constructive outlook on the future. We didn’t call it TOGETHER for no reason.

As for us, we’re currently in the calm before the storm: we only have 3 shows announced. We’re saving ourselves for the release of our album and the period afterwards and we have quite some bangers lined up. Once the album is out we’ll play like our lives are depending on it! Test pressings have been approved, the waiting game continues. We hope to have more news for you soon!

Jan 20 BE Liege, La Zone
May 13 DE Lindenholzhausen, Limewood Fest
Dec 29 NL Nijmegen, Friends First Fest


Artwork TOGETHER by Thomas at Dark Roast

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